vendredi 6 décembre 2013

Hummmm... Vodka? I fell like...

Sometimes you judge a person just when you see his beverage. Here an example providing by (the amazing)M.Spier at Skema Business School.

"Ohhhhh Yeahhhhh"

Thought about a two girls at the bar, one who is drinking a beer the other a glass of wine. 

Directly a lot of images come to your mind. 

The one who drinks beer, wear a jean, she's fun, sociable, you will probably spend a good time with her whereas the woman who drinks wine will be more difficult to talk, she wears a squirt, she's probably a serious girl...

A lot of "clichés", but at the begining the difference betwenn the two girls is only the kind of beverage !

The perception of vodka don't escape at this judgment. This kind of alcohol is really apropriate for nightclub, an evening celebration, this is a strong alcohol, and therefore we can be very quickly drunk.
Few people drink it during a meal like wine, or with a birthday cake like champagne, during these last years vodka appears as favorite alcohol nightlife. And what do you mixed with vodka will tell us more about the personality or the type of personality that you want to become  overnight!

To overcome shyness, to forget about their daily lives, to "become another" time of an evening, vodka is a responds to a lot of problem for people. 

In a marketing point of view the combination of vodka with energy drinks for example makes allow is to spend an unbridled evening, in great shape ... (But I've never done the test to find out ... ;)

My feelings on this drink is, in one hand, vodka helps to appear socially well, in the other hand  it's where you can find drunkenness quickly and last but not least  we have percpetion of a "young" alcohol in the air of the time.

For example, the Scotch, although very tasty, we imagine a reference to a person of a certain age already enjoying the good things, a specialist.

The target Trademark whiskey is not the student, we see very few bottle in night club and it is a litlle bit more expensive than vodka.

Indeed, vodka do not improve with age, the difference in price will be based on distillation and branding made.

This blog was for us a real good way to go deeper into a subject that concern us (well, mostly on Thursday, Friday and Saturday night :))

Thank you for following us and hope that our analysis and feelings will bring more knowledge about the vodka in a fun way.

jeudi 5 décembre 2013

Something New !

Monday night, I was skyping (speaking by Skype) with my sister who’s studying in Madrid, and she talks to me about something I didn’t heart before: the RUSHKINOFF Vodka.

Do you know the Rushkinoff vodka? No? Let me tell me more about…
The Rushkinoff is vodka aromatised with cannabis!! Rushkinoff Cannabis Vodka gives slightly greenish and vegetable cannabis notes. It is Spanish vodka with 50% alc./vol.from Magaluf. You can’t find it in France by the way. It’s a really cheap vodka: 6-9 € for a 1L bottle so a lot a young Spanish are use to drink it.

But what I was wondering is if there are any bad effects, in addition to the effects of alcohol and I found some interesting things on internet.
The excessive consumption of Rushkinoff vodka makes feeling you like you have glass in your throat and overnight you have suddenly developed the cough of a 40-day smoker.
More this cough is going to be with you for days.

Worryingly, there’s even a Facebook group called 'I got the Rushkinoff Cough' which has over 11 000 likes and is full of Brits who’ve come back from Magaluf specifically with a chesty cough. Not to mention umpteen threads on holiday forum Magaluf Uncovered warning people to be careful in what they’re drinking. Some people are even complaining directly to the site but they didn’t get any answer.

The recommended treatment is lots of water, Strepsils, and absolutely no more Rushkinoff! Stick to Smirnoff.