mardi 22 octobre 2013

Interesting figure about Vodka

The Economist
Consumption around the world :
4,5 : It’s the number of billions liters of Vodka consumed in 2012 around the world. For this reason, Vodka is considered as the first hard alchohol consumed around the world and accounts for 18% of world spirit consumption.  
4   is also the average number of Vodka liters per capita consumed around the world in one year.

When thinking about Vodka, we first think about Russia – and for good reasons.
Guess what ?  Russians have consumed no less than half of the world consumption ie. 2 billions liters. 13.9 indicates the number of Vodka liters per capita Russians in one year. They are followed by Belarus (11.3 L), Ukraine (7.7 L) and Poland (7 L). 
1000  Is the number of Vodka distilleries we can observe in Russia and  800 is the different types of this eau-de-vie that exist over there.


BUT 80  is the number of beer liters per capital Russians have consumed in one year. It reached roughly 20L ten years ago. So that we can recently observe a new trend of alcohol consumption in Russia. Their way of consumption move closer to Western’s way, with low alcohol content drinks. Indeed, in 10 years, Russia became the 3rd world market for beer. And the decrease in vodka consumption in Russia illustrate the need for russians to cut short with the traditional image of the alcoholic Russian citizen.

Outside Russia :
18,6% & 28,27%  represent respectively the increase of Vodka market in the US and UK although Russia remains the most important market as explained before.

7,7 billions : Number of hard alcohol liters that Chinese will buy in 2015 according to Wine and Spirit Research International. Even if Vodka is not considered as their favorite spirits, it exist a noticable potential in China for vodka. And a new consumer generation has emerged and they are more and more attracted by Westner way of life and consumption.

35,10  is the pourcentage of Poliakov (La Martiniquaise) market share in French hypermakets and supermarkets. It is followed by MDD with 17,30%, Eristoff (Bacardi-Martini) with 15,20%, Sobieski (Marie Brizard) with 11,00%, Absolut (Ricard) with 5,20%, Smirnoff (MHD) with 5,10%, Zubrowka (Pernod) with 3,10% and Russian Standard (Lixir) with 1,60%.

-114,4°C is the temperature after which Vodka can freeze. We have no reason to be affraid of freezing our Vodka when we put it in our freezer which usually reaches about -18°C.

Less funny :
42 000 is the number of Russians who died each year after drinking adulterated vodka according to official figures.
62,8 is the average life expectancy for men in Russia, who are 4 times more subjected to alcohol disease than women.

Alchohol abuse is dangerous for health, consume with moderation.

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