vendredi 8 novembre 2013

Vodka la la la la !

In Europe, young people are such fan of vodka and consume it often, too often…
We’ve tried to define why they like so much this drink and first things coming is the taste and colour, transparent, innocuous, unlike whiskey, for example. One can easily mix vodka with juice or soda. The price, about 12€ a bottle of 75cl of Vodka, is affordable for them and it is more advantageous to buy a bottle and make their own mix for a strong drink. It is ideal for the "preheat" or the conditioning before going out… 
For a long time, drinking Vodka is associated with the notion of celebration for most adolescents, they probably won’t drink Vodka by themself alone, but nowadays teens thus have a new way to drink, they want to be drunk as fast as possible and made some competition drinks and « preheat ritual » (at home, in a car park...).

According to the Swiss Health Survey, we can note that among teenagers 16 to 19 years, 32% say that spirits are their favourite alcoholic drink weekly. And it is among the young people of this age, that the frequency of spirits consumption is highest. After beer it’s among consumers of spirits, that the frequency of excessive consumption is also higher (number of times the amount consumed was equal to or higher than 5 glasses of 4cl).
In Switzerland, petrol stations and train stations are current place of purchase for teenager, but this trend declines rapidly from the age of 25 years. In France, teenagers purchase their Vodka in supermarket because price is affordable for them, they get choice and cashier doesn’t ask them every time their ID. More they can also buy juice to mix with this alcohol. Everything is grouped in a supermarket, they can have all the same time: alcohol, juice, glasses, chips…

Around the world, young people's practices concerning alcohol are similar. However, some Americans have found a new way to get drunk faster but it’s very dangerous: they put a hygienic tampon of vodka in their anus! In fact, the alcohol goes directly through the veins without being digested by the stomach, the effect is very fast but in overdose they can’t vomit alcohol and consequences can be terrible (ethyl coma)...

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